
This page explains how the invariants-py package can be installed in Python.


On Windows, it is recommended to first install git-for-windows. This installation includes the git bash program allowing you to write git commands in a Bash terminal, similar to Linux. Afterwards, you should install a Python distribution for Windows. The Anaconda Python distribution is recommended. This distribution includes a program called Anaconda Powershell Prompt which you can use as a terminal in which Python is available.

On Linux, git and Python are pre-installed.

Invariants-py installation

Open a terminal (e.g. the default terminal in Linux or Anaconda Powershell Prompt in Windows).

Make sure the latest version of pip is installed:

pip install --upgrade pip

Navigate to a suitable directory and clone the Git repository of invariants-py:

git clone

Install the Python package in your Python environment:

cd invariants_py
pip install -e .

If the installation is successful, you should be able to run the following command in Python:

import invariants_py

After installation, you can proceed with the Quickstart guide or you can choose to first install the optional Fatrop solver (only in Linux).

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